Rust and Surf # 2 by Patrick Smith Photography (and on flickr)
In addition to being a fabulous picture, I really liked how the photographer placed notes on the image discussing its composition points. Really well, done. Check them out on flickr or over on the full website. Excellent stuff.
Pelican's eye view by Peter vanAllen (and on flickr)
I'm a sucker for HDR shots. I know its cheating a bit, but I really love the way they pop. Wish I could learn to make them myself. Anyway, I like this one. It makes me wonder what life was like when this was all new.
Found in Field Dead by Яick Harris
This truck looks so sad. It probably had a useful life. And someone had a lot of interesting experiences in/with it. See, melancholy. That's what these pictures do.
And finally,
Tractor rust by tina_manthorpe
This one is an abstract, obviously, but it really conveyed a lot of emotion to me. Ravages of time and all that. This photographer has some other great decay and rust photos. Be sure to check them all out.
I had originally planned on making this 10 images--people seem to like those Top10 lists--but then decided I was writing this for myself anyway and I would stop at 4 :-) Its a good number for today.
As my son would say, peace out.
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