Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I'm Not Sure Comments are Needed on this One
Wow, this is entertaining.
Troy and I spent the entire video commenting that the monkey probably drives better than his mother. LOL.
Full Disclosure: I found this on Mixx
Blog Recommendation
Each day, I look forward to reading the Big Picture. The fact that its published only 3x a week makes me sad on the days I don't have a big picture to look at.
Produced by Boston.com, this is perhaps, the only thing I like about Boston. The pictures they find each day are absolutely amazing. They have given me a new appreciation for photography and covered some things that I never thought would hold my attention for longer than 30 seconds. Example: the Australian Motorcycle Gran Prix.
I encourage you to check it out, leave comments, give feedback on how great the features are. Hopefully they will continue to publish!
Produced by Boston.com, this is perhaps, the only thing I like about Boston. The pictures they find each day are absolutely amazing. They have given me a new appreciation for photography and covered some things that I never thought would hold my attention for longer than 30 seconds. Example: the Australian Motorcycle Gran Prix.
I encourage you to check it out, leave comments, give feedback on how great the features are. Hopefully they will continue to publish!
I'm Very Lucky!
I thought maybe I'd try to bookend my "hard to be me" post by talking about the rest of my family this morning. I've got a bunch of work to do, but somehow getting this blog post done will help me get my "real" work done, right?
Anyhoo, that's Zack in the picture with me. I love this picture because I think it captures Zack's personality. Although my son looks a LOT like me, he's really all Troy inside. He is always happy and smiling. Any crankiness he experiences is very quickly replaced with happiness. His imagination runs overtime.
Last night, about 15 mins before this picture was taken, he was telling me the story of Max. Max, apparently, is Zack's imaginary kitty cat. I didn't know kids his age were all about the imaginary pets. Totally shocked me. He had all sorts of stories about Max and him at the playground. Max really likes to go on the swings.
Last night, h also caught me by surprise while we were waiting at the Jenny Craig Center (yes, I'm trying to diet and called in the cavalry), by counting from 1 to 20. Missed a couple in there but last I knew he was only up to about 8 consistently. I guess all working moms understand the mixed feelings that brought up-- ooh, wow, he's counting to 20! and oh, where did he learn that and where was I?
By looking at the man that my husband is and seeing the same personality bits in Zack, I find myself growing curiouser and curiouser about how Z will grow up. With that Alice in Wonderland reference made, I'll go ahead and get back to work now....
UPDATE: after posting this the first time and actually looking at it, I was reminded of a picture taken just over 2 years ago now that is similar in composition:

Anyhoo, that's Zack in the picture with me. I love this picture because I think it captures Zack's personality. Although my son looks a LOT like me, he's really all Troy inside. He is always happy and smiling. Any crankiness he experiences is very quickly replaced with happiness. His imagination runs overtime.
Last night, about 15 mins before this picture was taken, he was telling me the story of Max. Max, apparently, is Zack's imaginary kitty cat. I didn't know kids his age were all about the imaginary pets. Totally shocked me. He had all sorts of stories about Max and him at the playground. Max really likes to go on the swings.
Last night, h also caught me by surprise while we were waiting at the Jenny Craig Center (yes, I'm trying to diet and called in the cavalry), by counting from 1 to 20. Missed a couple in there but last I knew he was only up to about 8 consistently. I guess all working moms understand the mixed feelings that brought up-- ooh, wow, he's counting to 20! and oh, where did he learn that and where was I?
By looking at the man that my husband is and seeing the same personality bits in Zack, I find myself growing curiouser and curiouser about how Z will grow up. With that Alice in Wonderland reference made, I'll go ahead and get back to work now....
UPDATE: after posting this the first time and actually looking at it, I was reminded of a picture taken just over 2 years ago now that is similar in composition:

Friday, October 17, 2008
Am I becoming *THAT* blogger?
That only links to YouTube videos?
Maybe, but I have a reason. I'm discouraged with the world today. Take this for example:
52 Million times its been viewed. That's more than watched the Presidential debates here in the US.
And its not entertaining. Its just ... dumb. (No offense to the creator).
Maybe, but I have a reason. I'm discouraged with the world today. Take this for example:
52 Million times its been viewed. That's more than watched the Presidential debates here in the US.
And its not entertaining. Its just ... dumb. (No offense to the creator).
Thursday, October 9, 2008
What's up with me today??
Oh my, another blog post!
Two things I've got stuck in my head thanks to mixx:
(I like that one cause it has subtitles)
Or not.
Two things I've got stuck in my head thanks to mixx:
(I like that one cause it has subtitles)
Or not.
Its Hard Being Me
As I wrote the title of this post, a lot of thoughts flew into my head about how that title could be interpreted. Lord knows there are a lot of things about myself that are difficult. But when I wrote it, there was a specific instance that I meant where its hard to be me. And that is dealing with being in a large family and being the only non-McCain voter in my family.
To me, the decision in this election is a very easy one. Sure, there is the whole "I hate George Bush" and the Bush Doctrine thing. There is the fear of the badness a conservative court would perpetrate on us. There is the fallacy of trickle-down economics. There are more things I don't have the time or heart to discuss here...
After thinking long and hard about it, though, I am really beginning to suspect that the real reason I am so very pro-Obama is in large part because I am so very anti-Republican. I really dislike politics. I dislike politics. I have disliked politics for a long time. Neither party represents my views. I am an independent in the truest sense of the word--I want to be independent of all politics. Some of my views are conservative--I am for sure a fiscal conservative and would wish for the government to only provide enough structure and oversight to overcome information imperfection and neg/pos externalities to encourage companies and people to make rational decisions. The wisdom of the crowds wins in economic markets. On the social side, I'm definitely liberal. I believe white rich people aren't inherently better than anyone else in the world--they were just born lucky. And its their responsiblity and the government's responsibility to help level out the hands of luck and give people a boost up when needed.
All that being said, why my intense dislike for the Republicans? I guess you could call it a moral issue. The Republican party has a 'get elected at all cost' mentality that I think is just wrong. Its bad for our country. A party that can't get elected on its platform but has to resort to dirty tricks and flat-out lies is not a party I can support. And its not a party anyone SHOULD be supporting.
And this crap is happening on two levels.
First, on the "official" level. Having Sarah Palin talk about Obama's association with "Domestic Terrorists" is horrible. Its just horrible and abject lies. The domestic terrorist in question was elected Citizen of the Year in Chicago in like 1987 or something (too lazy to go find the article about him). Did he do something dispicable in the past? Yes, no doubt about it. But a lot of people did things in their past and we were willing to forgive them. The city of Chicago obviously did. How does Barack Obama serving on a large board of directors with the man somehow have some sort of impact on his ability to lead this country? And before anyone pipes up with "but its his associations, and who you hang with says a lot about you." Well, explain to me the Keating 5. And you can't, so shut up.
I've been looking a lot at the Congressional Quarterly's partnership with the St. Petersburg Times with their PolitiFact blog (look, not so lazy I couldn't find the link). A quick scan will tell you that the Repubs have many many more "pants on fire" and "completely false" grades than the Dems. Many many more. An embarassing amount more.
Is a party of liars really who we want in charge? I don't. You may be power hungry bastards and bitches (99% of politicians are) but at least be honest power hungry ones.
The second thing is the implicit or unofficial stances. The implicit allowance of continued rumors and lies to be spread.
So what does this have to do with it being hard to be me?
My family, mom, 4 brothers, 4 sisters-in-law, mother-in-law and sadly, husband, are all McCain supporters. My husband, at least, can articulate why. He's a one-issue voter. What is best for small businesses is best for him. Understandable (and forgiveable).
But my family just doesn't accept that I am not a wackho right-winger, but instead harasses me about it.
My brother says "I don't understand how someone as intelligent as you supports Obama." When pressed for details about why he supports McCain? Nothing but BS made up Republican lies.
My mother forwards me an email saying we shouldn't vote for Obama because no one has seen his birth certificate. I send her back the link to the page on his website that shows it. And point out that I haven't seen McCain's birth certificate either.
Back comes an email that she fears for her children and grandchildrens' futures if Obama gets elected "what with his associations with domestic terrorists." Do you know how sad it is to have your mom spouting made-up Fox News regurgitated "fair and balanced" bullshit at you?? Sigh.
And don't get me started about my mother-in-law. Rush Limbaugh told her that Arctic drilling is a good thing because pipelines are environmentally-positive. Responding to my disbelief, she lets rip with this one--"well, the animals can all snuggle up to it in the winter to keep warm" LOL Yeah, because oil pulled out of the ground is kept at a balmy 106-degrees throughout the pipelin process.
Requests to these folks... well, requests to my family to provide specific examples of policies they read themselves and disagree with have been met with complete silence.
My family are a bunch of really intelligent, hard-working good human beings. Who are being lied to and snowed by the Republican party. If that's happening to the smart ones, I can only imagine the impact on the rest of the populace.
Here's hoping Nov 5th is a good day.
To me, the decision in this election is a very easy one. Sure, there is the whole "I hate George Bush" and the Bush Doctrine thing. There is the fear of the badness a conservative court would perpetrate on us. There is the fallacy of trickle-down economics. There are more things I don't have the time or heart to discuss here...
After thinking long and hard about it, though, I am really beginning to suspect that the real reason I am so very pro-Obama is in large part because I am so very anti-Republican. I really dislike politics. I dislike politics. I have disliked politics for a long time. Neither party represents my views. I am an independent in the truest sense of the word--I want to be independent of all politics. Some of my views are conservative--I am for sure a fiscal conservative and would wish for the government to only provide enough structure and oversight to overcome information imperfection and neg/pos externalities to encourage companies and people to make rational decisions. The wisdom of the crowds wins in economic markets. On the social side, I'm definitely liberal. I believe white rich people aren't inherently better than anyone else in the world--they were just born lucky. And its their responsiblity and the government's responsibility to help level out the hands of luck and give people a boost up when needed.
All that being said, why my intense dislike for the Republicans? I guess you could call it a moral issue. The Republican party has a 'get elected at all cost' mentality that I think is just wrong. Its bad for our country. A party that can't get elected on its platform but has to resort to dirty tricks and flat-out lies is not a party I can support. And its not a party anyone SHOULD be supporting.
And this crap is happening on two levels.
First, on the "official" level. Having Sarah Palin talk about Obama's association with "Domestic Terrorists" is horrible. Its just horrible and abject lies. The domestic terrorist in question was elected Citizen of the Year in Chicago in like 1987 or something (too lazy to go find the article about him). Did he do something dispicable in the past? Yes, no doubt about it. But a lot of people did things in their past and we were willing to forgive them. The city of Chicago obviously did. How does Barack Obama serving on a large board of directors with the man somehow have some sort of impact on his ability to lead this country? And before anyone pipes up with "but its his associations, and who you hang with says a lot about you." Well, explain to me the Keating 5. And you can't, so shut up.
I've been looking a lot at the Congressional Quarterly's partnership with the St. Petersburg Times with their PolitiFact blog (look, not so lazy I couldn't find the link). A quick scan will tell you that the Repubs have many many more "pants on fire" and "completely false" grades than the Dems. Many many more. An embarassing amount more.
Is a party of liars really who we want in charge? I don't. You may be power hungry bastards and bitches (99% of politicians are) but at least be honest power hungry ones.
The second thing is the implicit or unofficial stances. The implicit allowance of continued rumors and lies to be spread.
So what does this have to do with it being hard to be me?
My family, mom, 4 brothers, 4 sisters-in-law, mother-in-law and sadly, husband, are all McCain supporters. My husband, at least, can articulate why. He's a one-issue voter. What is best for small businesses is best for him. Understandable (and forgiveable).
But my family just doesn't accept that I am not a wackho right-winger, but instead harasses me about it.
My brother says "I don't understand how someone as intelligent as you supports Obama." When pressed for details about why he supports McCain? Nothing but BS made up Republican lies.
My mother forwards me an email saying we shouldn't vote for Obama because no one has seen his birth certificate. I send her back the link to the page on his website that shows it. And point out that I haven't seen McCain's birth certificate either.
Back comes an email that she fears for her children and grandchildrens' futures if Obama gets elected "what with his associations with domestic terrorists." Do you know how sad it is to have your mom spouting made-up Fox News regurgitated "fair and balanced" bullshit at you?? Sigh.
And don't get me started about my mother-in-law. Rush Limbaugh told her that Arctic drilling is a good thing because pipelines are environmentally-positive. Responding to my disbelief, she lets rip with this one--"well, the animals can all snuggle up to it in the winter to keep warm" LOL Yeah, because oil pulled out of the ground is kept at a balmy 106-degrees throughout the pipelin process.
Requests to these folks... well, requests to my family to provide specific examples of policies they read themselves and disagree with have been met with complete silence.
My family are a bunch of really intelligent, hard-working good human beings. Who are being lied to and snowed by the Republican party. If that's happening to the smart ones, I can only imagine the impact on the rest of the populace.
Here's hoping Nov 5th is a good day.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I was doing some testing on my blog today of a new widget for Mixx.com. And any mixxers that are reading this, NO, you can't have it until Thursday.
In doing so, I realized that I hadn't blogged since August. Well, that's embarrassing. I mean, its not like I have a lot of people reading this, but still. I made a commitment to be better about blogging and I need to get back on it.
But in the meantime, I'll keep my day job at Mixx and not try to become a professional blogger ;-D
In doing so, I realized that I hadn't blogged since August. Well, that's embarrassing. I mean, its not like I have a lot of people reading this, but still. I made a commitment to be better about blogging and I need to get back on it.
But in the meantime, I'll keep my day job at Mixx and not try to become a professional blogger ;-D
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