Friday, August 17, 2007

Life Threw Me a Curve Ball and I Got Fat

The months of March-July provided my life with more upheaval than I could handle. Losing my job (which was surprising to me and all my co-workers--but that's another blog post), Troy finally being released from his, T spending 7 weeks in Vegas and CA, fighting the process to get a loan on our Vegas condo, finding a new job and starting it (and boy am I thankful for that--and yet another post). This was on the heels of 3 months of being miserable at my job (again, refer to other blog post).

All these things led me to discover something about myself that I never knew before--I'm a stress eater. Who would have thought?? Besides my random sweets cravings during pregnancy, I've never really been interested in eating. I mean, T and I will drop quite a bit of $$ on a fab dinner created by an amazing chef. But that's more about the event and the experience than just the food. For 4 months, I was gobbling up everything in site and my body paid the price for it. I think I gained like 15lbs. I say I think because up until that time, I was so unworried about my weight, I was not even sure how much I weighed.

Yes, there is someone to blame for the diet. Credit actually, not blame. That would be my sister-in-law Pam.

I saw Pam recently at our family reunion. She looked amazing! Not just thin, but LEAN. Huge difference. I think she was down 30lbs.

Great motivation.

So now I'm doing the lo-carb and exercise diet and its working well so far. 5.5lbs in a week and a half. Never mind that my friend has lost 9lbs in the same span. For me, I'm just pleased I made it a week and a half!!

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