Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Update on the Dieting

I was just reading my old posts about dieting back in August.

The good news is that I kept off 4 of the 5.5 pounds I lost back then. The bad news is that I didn't lose anymore.

After our trip to Chicago (and to moto), I kind of fell off the wagon a bit. We then went to Vegas, and fell off a bit more.

Then my new job I referenced? Well, we finally launched. Mixx.com

But it took a lot of working long hours, being stressed, and tons of work. We're doing well, but it didn't help my dieting and exercise program.

I'm back on it now. This time inspired by my sister-in-law Lisa, who has dropped a bunch of weight and is looking good.

I'm a week in and doing great so far!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can do it Wada-boy!